This Game is in Development
Set in the fictitious city of Paradise in 1958, Paradise Lofts is a high-stakes, comedic, and utterly pornographic, romp. Play the hero in this interactive visual novel game, where you witness a crime, leading you down a desperate path to find a killer, and to discover her motivations.
We have "lofty" goals for this project, but with your support, we can make that happen. This first release is just a taste for what's in store:
- More than 40 characters in development, and a large pool of suspects
- Spend hours building relationships, collecting clues, discovering new talents, and shagging nearly everyone in sight. Make it count!
- Multiple ways to solve puzzles and sidestep problems
- Relationships may be built and destroyed; not necessarily closing options, but opening new ones
- Collect enough clues and make your own final determination
- There are no dead ends, but there are wrong answers
- All wrapped up in a hyper-sexualized world, during the fabulous '50s.